Sunset School Readers

Good Morning, Families!  I hope you are all getting back into the groove of school and the dust is beginning to settle.  We're still living in a bit of a cloud around campus but that is always how the first few weeks are.  We try to be as student-centered as possible so that means that we can't really tune everything in until we see what we've got!

I wanted to thank everyone who came out to Back to School Night! I thought it was a good night and hopefully you felt so too.  If you have any lingering questions about anything or something has come up since then, please do not hesitate to reach out to anyone on campus, we're here to help!

I know Aeries has brought many of you a lot of grief, and I say this through clenched teeth, but here it goes...I'm told all of the issues have been resolved and everyone should be able to log in, find the documents to complete, and do whatever needs to be done.  I know many of you filled out a paper backup, and we really appreciate that!  The good news about doing it online is that next year you won't have to, you'll just go in, make sure everything is current, click a few boxes and you're done!  

  • If we have your Aeries complete, thank you!  
  • If you have turned in the paper copy, thank you!  At your convenience, please log in and do the digital version.
  • If you have not done the online thing and need help, please call Sonia and let her know.  I will also be available to help on Tuesday, from 10am - 1pm.  My Spanish is limited but we'll figure it out!

One other thing I wanted to remind/inform you of are some details around arrival and pick up.  Drop offs can be hard for some of the littles (and their parents!) so we want to help make it as easy on everyone as possible.  If you walk your student into school in the morning, especially if there is some resistance around being left at school, I'm going to ask that you please bring them in the front doors of the school rather than the side or back doors.  It makes for a smoother drop off for your child and as class in the TK-2 room is getting settled in, the distraction of a sad little kiddo is removed.  I PROMISE you that once you walk away, your child stops fussing and settles right in!  I'm a mother and had to go through the same thing, we all pretty much have!  We see it each and every year.  In my experience I have found that saying goodbye (once) and then following through and leaving is the best way to handle it.  When your child is upset you're not going to be able to reason with them -- as I'm sure you know!  Sonia is wonderful with the children and so are your teachers so just know that your little darlings are fine in our care, even when they don't seem happy to be there!

Our students work right up to the 2:50 dismissal time and it is a very big distraction for them and our teachers when a parent comes and stands outside of the windows and waits.  Until you see Jenny walk the students out, I'm going to ask that you please stay outside of the side gate.  I'm not shutting campus down for parents and we love that some of you like to stay and hang out with your kids after!  It makes for such a wonderful school community!  I just want Jenny to be the signal as to when to come up into the school to get your child.  This way there is an organized routine and Courtney's instruction is not compromised.  Keep in mind that it is never our practice to release students from Courtney's back door.  If we let that happen, pretty soon kids are running out every door imaginable and that's NOT a goal!  (Trust me, I've worked that room before!)

We all thank you for your cooperation with this and welcome any further questions you may have.

That's about it, have a wonderful week!
Dates to Remember
9/4 - Labor Day NO SCHOOL!
9/10 - BiblioBus @2:30 - 3:30 (and every 2nds Tuesday after)
9/21 - Board Meeting at WMS
9/27 - BiblioBus @2:30 - 3:30 (and every 4th Friday after)
9/29 - Professional Development - NO SCHOOL!
10/3 - Picture Day
10/18 - 10/20 Minimum Days for Conferences