Hi Families,

We had such a lovely Mother's Day dinner put on by Sunset School!  I hope you were able to make it, Dave, Mirella and Osvaldo did a fantastic and beautiful job!  Watching the kids serving their moms was priceless!  Thank you, Sunset School!

I also want to thank everyone who came out to support our book fair!  Not only did you get books but so did we!!!  Our library earned over $300 to spend on new books for our school and classroom libraries.  Thank you for  your support!

Musical Performance

On Monday, May 22nd, Bodega Bay Elementary School will be performing Hatshepsut, Queen of Denial, a Musical Play. Our play will start at 6:00 and will be at the Bodega Bay Church. We will be having a dress rehearsal at 9:00am, also at the Bodega Bay Church. I encourage parents to attend the 6:00 performance, but if you are unable to make it in the evening, you are welcome to attend the 9:00am dress rehearsal. 

Please have your student arrive at the Church at 5:30pm so that they have time to get into their costumes and do a warmup.

I would like each student to wear plain black pants and a plain black shirt or tank top, which they will keep on underneath their costumes. All students should wear black shoes or as close as possible to black. If your student has a football shirt or jersey, please have them bring it for the play. I also have football jerseys from TES that we can use, but students are welcome to wear their own.

Every student in this play has a part that is essential to making the play happen. It is very important that all BBS students attend the 6:00pm performance. If your student cannot be there for the evening show, please let me know in advance so that I can replace their part. 

Please contact Mrs. Considine if you have any questions! kelly.considine@shorelineunified.org, (707) 340-5567

Testing continues this week for 3rd & 4th graders so please make sure they get their rest and a nutritious breakfast!  This week we are testing in math.

Open House
Don't forget to make plans in your schedule for Open House!  We will be opening our doors at 5pm on Wednesday, 5/31, to show off all of the wonderful things we have been working on this year.  Food will be served too!

Garden Beautification Project
I would like to move to the next phase of the Garden Beautification Project which is assessing my resources!  Please fill out the following form if you have time, money, or stuff you can donate to our project.  https://forms.gle/J5KiLqDTWBxd...
Venmo: BBS-Fundraising

Lots still to come so make sure your calendars are marked!

Dates to Remember....too many, check the calendar!

5/15 - 5/26 - CAASPP testing for 3rd & 4th grade
5/22 - BBS Musical, "Hatshepsut - Queen of Denial"
5/29 - Memorial Day, NO SCHOOL!
5/31 - Open House, 5pm - 6pm
6/2 - Field Trip: Beach Clean Up
6/6 - Minimum Day; Sunset School Field Trip to Session Climbing Gym 12:30 - 4:30
6/7 - Minimum Day: Promotion @ 11:30
6/8 - Minimum Day: Carnival: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! PARENTS, TAG!  YOU'RE IT!