Hi Everyone!  I hope you had a beautiful and restful Memorial Day weekend!

There's not much to talk about today so I'm going to make it brief.  

Wednesday is our Open House and we are all hoping that you will join us to come and see what your little darlings have been working on and to enjoy some food and refreshments with us!  Our doors will open at 5pm until 6pm.  Come join in the fun and visit with your Bodega Bay family!

We are taking a field trip to Doran Beach for our annual beach clean up this Friday!  The bus will leave at 12:30 and return to school between 2:00 & 2:30.  Kids will eat before we leave.  We welcome anyone who wants to join us down at the beach!  There's plenty of room on the bus so hop on.  Mr. Fritsche will be meeting the kids for PE in the sand so that should be fun to watch!  Field trip slips will be coming home TOMORROW.  No slip, no trip!

I have only gotten back 5 responses to the Enrichment Tuesday survey I sent out last week.  Please make sure you fill it out.  https://forms.gle/WzGyvAMjCnVhZDep6

Don't be shy about asking for some Covid tests...believe it or not, it's STILL a thing!

Dates to Remember....we're sooooo close!

5/31 - Open House, 5pm - 6pm
6/2 - Field Trip: Beach Clean Up 12:00 - 2:00ish
6/6 - Minimum Day; Sunset School Field Trip to Session Climbing Gym 12:30 - 4:30
6/7 - Minimum Day: Promotion @ 11:30
6/8 - Minimum Day: Carnival: LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! PARENTS, TAG!  YOU'RE IT!