Community Schools/Escuelas Comunitarias
What is a Community School?
¿Qué es una escuela comunitaria?
Community Schools are public schools that partner with families and community organizations to provide well-rounded educational opportunities and support for students’ school success.
Click on the video to find out more!
4 Pillars of Community Schools/4 Pilares de las Escuelas Comunitarias

The Community Schools approach uses 4 pillars which reinforce each other to create synergy.
Integrated Student Supports ensure that children, youth and families have access to medical, dental, vision services and stable housing and food. We know that children must have basic needs met to be able to show up in school ready to learn.
Expanded and Enriched Learning Time could look like after school, summer school or intersession or enrichment programs.
Family and Student Engagement means establishing and maintaining trusting relationships and using those relationships to build a shared vision of what a community school looks like for our children, youth and families. It also means that students and families are able to participate in the process by ensuring interpretation services or bilingual presentations and culturally appropriate activities.
Finally, Collaborative Leadership leverages the expertise of ALL community stakeholders (children, youth, families, teachers, staff, community leaders and funders) to share in the decision-making process and commit to a cultural of continuous improvement.
Spectrum of Community Engagement/ Gama de Participación Comunitaria

The Spectrum of Family Engagement for Educational Equity is designed to provide school districts and community/family organizing groups with shared language for being explicit about the level of family engagement in school planning and decision-making, and the impact that level of engagement has on families, communities, and on student outcomes.
Community Schools Implementation Plan/ Plan de Implementación de Escuelas Comunitarias
Bodega Bay School received implementation funding from the California Department of Education on August 2023. This is a five year grant that expires on June 30, 2028.
Click on the link below to see Bodega Bay School's Implementation Plan.
Click on the links for a recap of our latest Community Schools District Table Meeting. Community Newsletter coming soon!
Get involved!/ ¡Involúcrese!
On January 2024, site-based Community Table meetings blended with School Site Council meetings. All students, staff, families, and community members are invited to participate in the School Site Council meetings, which will be conducted monthly at all sites starting in August 2024. The schedule for the 2024-2025 School Site Council Meetings will be posted over the summer. Additionally, the community is encouraged to participate in the District-Wide Community Table meetings, which occur quarterly. Below are the dates and times for the 2024-2025 meetings. If you would like to receive calendar invitations to the site or district table meetings, please email Marilu Cisneros at: